Another ‘lockdown hobby’ I thought would be fun to start off – home brewing! Getting barrels and bottles and casks and kits and yeast and sugar and steraliser and syphons and hydrometers and CO2 and secondary tablets and everything else is such a faff though.
So I’ve ordered a Pinter. This is a new device – an all-in-one brew keg and beer conditioner. The concept is quite simple: add your fresh press (fruity stuff and malt) plus a load of water and a dose of the yeast (comes as part of the kit) into the plastic cask; attach to a special docking stationb; leave for 7 days or so.
Then, remove the cask from the docking station. All the dead yeast crap will have sunk to the bottom, out of the cask, and into the docking station. Condition the brew in the fridge for a few days and then tap directly for 10 pints of intersting craft beer. It’s from here:
I also added an add-on keg so I am able to brew one batch while conditioning the next. One in yellow, one in black. I ordered it on Sunday 14 Feb and it says t should take 10-15 working days to arrive, som hopefully I can provide an update on or before 7 March.
On top of this, I’m getting itchy about waiting so I’ve also ordered a gadget to go with it. This is an iSpindel – a digital hydrometer that measures specific gravity by its tilt. Just bung it in the keg at the start and monitor via wifi and phone. Hopefully it’ll integrate with IFTTT so I can auto-publish progress: